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Exposure to Excellence Promotes Excellence
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Preparing students for college, career, and life
School of Champions
Readers Choice: The Best of Jackson County
98.2% JHS Graduation Rate

Welcome to Jefferson High School!

Dear JHS Parents and Students,

On behalf of the staff of Jefferson High School, I am honored to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to be serving as your new principal. Throughout my teaching and administrative experience at JHS, being involved in student life while supporting an academically rich environment has remained important.

Your support, dedication and collaboration play integral roles in our success. At JHS, we fully believe that “Exposure to Excellence Promotes Excellence.” I fully believe this begins with being at school and being involved. Being on time and present is crucial to teaching and learning as well as social and emotional growth. We are here to partner with you to continue making school attendance a top priority.

In addition to being present at school, I want to encourage our students to be involved in one of our clubs, organizations or extracurricular activities. These experiences allow students opportunities that extend beyond the classroom; they allow students to explore their passions, develop essential life skills and build a well-rounded character. JHS provides opportunities for students through our fine arts, CTAE programs, clubs and athletics, all of which have a standard of excellence. It is our hope that our students discover an extracurricular activity where they can thrive.

JHS has the best staff and students. I am excited for the upcoming school year, and I am very thankful to serve as the principal. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Our staff and faculty look forward to teaching and working with our students during the 2024-25 school year.


Jenny Hardy, Principal

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